المدة الزمنية 13:58

James Raw Shobu Zukuri Katana (Low Tide) Finished Project

بواسطة Matthew Jensen
5 816 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2019/04/15

This is a James Raw katana. I got the katana second hand and it has more that a few imperfections. There is a small ding just below or at the start of the monouchi. It would polish or sharpen out but I don't want to do that just yet. The blade also has some spotting and scratches. Nothing that detracts from beauty or function in a substantial way. The profile of the blade is a shobu zukuri style blade. At least that is the intent. The mune is tappers back a bit like a naginata nioshi stile, but I have seen historical blades with similar proportions. The blade curve on the blade almost looks sakisori but the deepest part is only slightly past the center. I think the blade is made from EN45, from what i know James Raw uses this steel regularly. It is differentially hardened and I believe James Raw did the polish. The mount was done by the man in black. He did the habaki, seppa, saya, tsuka, and saya. The tsuka is a full wrap of small nodule samegawa. Black silk ito in a battle wrap that has been lacquered. The saya is a special piece. There are rice hulls lacquered into the saya. A dark brown and gold/bronze looking paint are mixed in with the rice hulls.It has clear lacquer over the top. The fuchi/kashira are wave themed pieces from Lohman. The menuki are silver lobster menuki from Lohman. The tsuba is a cloud/wave looking piece from swordstore. Seppa are Copper Habaki is Copper Handle/Tsuka Length: 10.5” - 26.67cm Blade/Nagasa Length: 26.75” (without habaki) - 67.945cm Total Length: 38.675” - 98.2345cm Sori: .69” Moto-haba: 1.254” Saki-haba: .77” Motokasane: .294” Sakikasane: .23” Weight: 2lb 9.7oz - 1182g POB: 5” from tsuba Mass 1182 Hilt Extremity 0 Grip Reference 26.67 Blade Extremity 98.2345 Center of Gravity 39.37 Lever Reference 1.27 Hilt Node 22.25 Blade Node 68.58 Action Point 25.4 Pivot Point 76.2 Action Point 2.54 Pivot point 52.705 https://subcaelo.net/ensis/dynamics-computer/?eyJ3ZWFwb25zIjp7IkphbWVzIFJhdyBTaG9idSAoTG93IFRpZGUpIjp7Ik0iOjExODIsIlIiOjI2LjY3LCJDb0ciOjM5LjM3LCJidXR0IjowLCJ0aXAiOjk4LjIzLCJLIjo1MTEuNTUwMzIzMjg0ODIzMywiZEsiOjMwLjY0ODU0NDczODM4NzM4LCJsZXZlciI6MS4yNywibm9kZTEiOjIyLjI1LCJub2RlMiI6NjguNTgsIm0iOiJ3IiwiY29uZiI6WzEsMV0sInAwcyI6WzI1LjQsMi41NF0sInAxcyI6Wzc2LjIsNTIuN10sIk5wIjpudWxsLCJwcHMiOltudWxsXSwiVHMiOltudWxsXX19LCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMiJ9 The project cost on this one is a little tricky because the parts were second hand. If you wanted to get one I can only provide budgeting for new pieces. James usually charges $1000-$1300 for a blade in a similar polish (give or take) Tsuba from http://swordstore.com tend to be $140-$160 Fuchi/Kashira from www.japanese-swords.com are $150 from and Menuki are $165 The sword assembly (making a saya, tsuka, tsukamaki, habaki, and seppa) cost around $1000-$1200 (give or take depending on who you have do the work, and what you want done) This part of the process is the most variable. Given how laborious this one ended up being, I would imagine it would cost more to have done in future. Ballpark cost excluding, time, shipping, and general frustration. ($2450-$3000) Music provided by - Kevin MacLeod incompetech.com Link to the new facebook spot - https://www.facebook.com/MatthewJensenSwordReview/ Link to the new patreon spot - https://www.patreon.com/Krunan Link to my ebay sales page - http://www.ebay.com/usr/krunangree


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