المدة الزمنية 6:26

COVID Care at HOME الاعتناء بمريض الكورونا في المنزل باكسرين

22 913 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2021/01/12

هل تعتقد أن لديك أعراض فيروس كورونا؟ هل تتساءل ماذا تفعل إذا كنت مصابًا بفيروس كوفيد 19؟ الاعتناء بمريض الكورونا في المنزل كيف يجب على مريض الكورونا ان يعتني بنفسه في المنزل؟ ما هي الاحتياطات التي يجب ان يتخذها المريض وأفراد عائلته في المنزل؟ متى يمكن للشخص المصاب العودة لممارسة أنشطته العادية؟ How to take care of COVID at home. Monitoring, Treatment and Home Isolation. Do you think you have symptoms for coronavirus? Do you wonder what to do if you have covid 19? In this animated video, we will discuss about isolation, treatment, monitoring, and recovery of Covid 19 at home. 8 out of 10 COVID patients will have mild disease that can be managed at home. Learn how to take care of yourself or your family member at home. How to monitor symptoms? When to go to hospital? What medicines to take? How to do home isolation and quarantine? How to keep others safe? and, When to return back to normal activities? Ask Dr. SMART!!! #Coronavirus #COVID19 #DrSMARTteam Dr. Smart team educates about health & diseases in simple, easy and fun way using animations and cartoons. Our goal is to empower everyone through education in their own language. Stay healthy and help others stay healthy! EDUCATE. EMPOWER. EXCEED Visit out website: www.drsmartteam.com LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. COMMENT


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