المدة الزمنية 14:32

Chords of C Major - Dominant 7b9 | Worship Movement

بواسطة Inspirational Eby
259 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2023/08/17

Learn how to substitute the 5 chord with the dominant 7b9, in the key of C major ............................................................................................... Lesson one - Major extensions: /watch/wCcQnJ7D5ySDQ Lesson two - Minor extensions: /watch/Azu0wBJ3LLh30 What a friend we have in Jesus - Hymn tutorial: /watch/4uiZUoCv7HAvZ All lessons on worship movements in this playlist - /playlist/PLCuyE36OXWaC3cOgGGdlq5xEjixnzLjij Find all videos on Hymns and Songs in this playlist - /playlist/PLCuyE36OXWaASxHWHMd4D8z9ES_xJ5anq Learn to play your favourite hymns, all videos in this playlist - /playlist/PLCuyE36OXWaBlkSrG2TcCx7Ye_cDKP6tI Get licks to help spice up your jazz piano in this playlist - /playlist/PLCuyE36OXWaDGkCpUUEMCDZPuF4gYlCv- ............................................................................................... Connect with InspirationalEby on our social handles: 👉 facebook: https://m.facebook.com/inspirationaleby 👉 Instagram and Tiktok @inspirationaleby ............................................................................................... Inspirational Eby is where you get Piano instrumental music aimed at edifying the soul; and also piano lessons that will help improve your Christian piano music.


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