المدة الزمنية 10:32

2 أهم الصفات المستخدمة في اللغة الانجليزية باكسرين

581 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/03/10

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/english.with.samer84/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/learnenglishwithmrsamer/ Cheap/ Inexpensive رخيص Expensive/ Valuable غالي/ثمين Affordable سعر في متناول الجميع This car is affordable. I think you have to buy it while that one is so expensive. You can`t afford it. Amazing مدهش/رائع/بديع Exciting مذهل/مثير Fascinating فاتن/ساحر/جذاب The sea view is amazing. That short story is exciting. Special خاص / مميز Significant ذو أهمية خاصة / مميز This job is so significant. He is a special/significant person to his family. Talkative ثرثار/كثير الكلام Quiet هادئ Shy خجول I like him because he is not talkative and shy. Sweet حلو Bitter مر Sour حامض Spicy حار/مليء بالبهارات Salty مالح Crunchy مقرمش Soft ناعم Hard قاسي Fries are crunchy and salty. Oranges are sour. Peppers are spicy. Tall طويل Short قصير Fat /Obese/Overweight سمين/وزن زائد Thin/ Slim/ Skinny نحيل/ نحيف Self-confident واثق بنفسه Self-determined ذو ارادة Successful ناجح He is a successful, a self determined and a self confident manager. Comfortable مريح Attractive جذاب Noisy مزعج Important مهم


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