المدة الزمنية 10:34

1 أهم الصفات المستخدمة في اللغة الانجليزية باكسرين

747 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/03/05

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/english.with.samer84/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/learnenglishwithmrsamer/ Adjectives: الصفات Words used to describe the nouns. كلمات تستخدم لوصف Happy سعيد Sad حزين Angry غاضب Calm هادىء You shouldn’t be angry. Be calm! Dangerous خطير Safe امن This jump is so dangerous. This house is very safe. Clever/ Smart ذكي Stupid غبي They rewarded me because I am a clever student. Big كبير Small صغير It is a big building. It is a small house. Famous/ Well-known مشهور The rock is a famous actor. Brave شجاع Coward جبان His action is so brave. He is so coward. Excited متحمس Depressed محبط/يائس Look at him! He is very excited/ depressed. Lovely / Friendly ودود/حباب 1- My teacher is lovely. 2- The doctor is a friendly person. Lucky محظوظ Unlucky غير محظوظ Have a lucky day! He lost his business. He`s unlucky. Old كبير بالسن Young صغير بالسن My sister is still very young but My grandmother is very old. Old قديم New جديد I sold my old TV and bought A new one. Careful حريص Careless لا مبالي Be careful while driving at night. It is not good at all if you`re careless. Beautiful جميل Ugly قبيح The car is ugly but the flower is really beautiful.


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