المدة الزمنية 3200

Long Hoverfly - Sphaerophoria scripta - Randaflugur - Sveifflugur - Ílangar flugur - Sveifa

بواسطة Hellen Linda Drake
81 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2021/09/04

Long Hoverfly - Sphaerophoria scripta - Randaflugur - Sveifflugur - Hoverflies - Hover fly - Sirfide - Zweefvliegen - Schwebfliege - Gemeine Langbauchschwebfliege - Grote langlijf - Syrphe porte-plume - Gewöhnliche Langbauchschwebfliege - Sveiffluguætt - Syrphidae - Flugur - Female - Kvenflugur - Skordýr - Pöddur - Skordýralíf - Smásæi heimurinn - Smádýr. Þessi agnarsmáa sveiffluga var að drekka hunangssafa drá Yarrow - Vallhumall. This species lives in thickets, gardens and meadows rich of flowering plants. Life span up to 6 weeks. On Yarrow - Achillea millefolium - Vallhumall - Körfublómaætt - Asteraceae. Southwest Greenland, Iceland and Fennoscandia south to the Mediterranean, the Canary Isles and North Africa; from Ireland eastwards through much of the Palaearctic to the Pacific coast of Asia; Kashmir and Nepal. Sphaerophoria scripta flies in several generations from April to October (probably throughout the year in southern Europe). This species is highly migratory. During the summer, a large number of individuals may travel north. The imagines feed on pollen and nectar and visit the flowers of low growing plants. After mating, the females lay their eggs on plants infested by aphids. The larvae of Sphaerophoria scripta feed on various species of aphids that live on low herbs and grasses. The fully grown larvae pupate on a plant. Under favorable temperature conditions, the development from egg to adult fly takes only 20 days. Sphaerophoria scripta undergoes an optional diapause at the end of the last larval stage and overwinters in colder regions as a larva. See more: https://arthropodafotos.de/dbsp.php?lang=eng&sc=1&ta=t_38_dipt_bra_syr&sci=Sphaerophoria&scisp=scripta Sphaerophoria scripta can reach a length of 7–12 millimetres and a wingspan of 5–7 mm. Body is long and narrow, with yellow and black bands. The wings are transparent. Antennae are short and yellow. The face is yellow. Thorax is a bit dull, copper colored with broad yellow side stripes. Scutellum is yellow. Abdomen is long and cylindrical with four wide, yellow transverse bands. The legs are yellow. Females are brighter than the males. In the males the last two bands are often blurred. The larvae feed on aphids, while adult hoverflies feed on nectar and pollen of various species of Asteraceae. These hoverflies can complete a full life cycle in as little as sixteen days (egg to egg-laying adult), and a maximum of nine generations may occur in a single year.This species is migratory and overwinter as larva. See more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphaerophoria_scripta The male is readily identifiable as its body is longer than the wings, though the pattern of black and yellow is variable. See more: https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/long-hoverfly The male Long hoverflies get their name from their long, narrow cylindrical body which is noticably longer than the wings. The females have a broader body. The markings can vary, but generally the abdomen is yellow with four black bands. See more: https://www.uksafari.com/long_hoverflies.htm Sveifflugur eru breytilegar að stærð og gerð. Sumar eru smávaxnar og láta lítið fyrir sér fara á meðan aðrar eru stórar, bústnar og loðnar. Sumar eru með grannan sívalan afturbol, aðrar með egglaga flatvaxinn afturbol. Höfuð er stórt með stórum hvelfdum stundum fínhærðum augum. Fálmarar eru þriggja liða með fína langhærða svipu á stórum þriðja lið. Flestar sveifflugur eru litskrúðugar, dökkar í grunninn en með bletti, belti og rendur sem oftast eru gular, stundum öðru vísi litar. Á minna hærðum tegundum er skelin sjálf lituð en loðnar sveifflugur hafa oftast einlita dökka skel en litaða hæringu. Sumar líkjast geitungum og býflugum og njóta verndar af því þó þær séu með öllu meinlausar. Sveifflugur má alltaf þekkja á einkennandi æð utan hefðbundinnar skipan vængæða, æð sem liggur út eftir vængnum miðjum þvert á stuttar þveræðar sem þar tengja aðrar æðar langsum eftir vængnum framan og aftan við þessa aukaæð (vena spuria). Lesa meira: https://www.ni.is/biota/animalia/arthropoda/hexapoda/insecta/diptera/syrphidae Flug sveifflugna er einnig einkennandi. Karlflugur eigna sér yfirráðasvæði sem þær verja fyrir öðrum karlflugum. Á fluginu staðnæmast þær í loftinu til að sýna vald sitt og fylgjast grannt með í kringum sig. Skjótast svo leiftursnöggt þegar keppandi birtist til að stugga honum burt. Ættbálkur (Order) Tvívængjur (Diptera): Bitmýsætt (Simuliidae) Blaðfluguætt (Lauxaniidae) Forarmýsætt (Anisopodidae) Gerflugnaætt (Drosophilidae) Grasfluguætt (Opomyzidae) Hrossafluguætt (Tipulidae) Hármýsætt (Bibionidae) Húsfluguætt (Muscidae) Kálfluguætt (Anthomyiidae) Laugaflugnaætt (Ephydridae) Lúsflugnaætt (Hippoboscidae) Maðkaflugnaætt (Calliphoridae) Mykjufluguætt (Scathophagidae) Rykmýsætt (Chironomidae) Rótarfluguætt (Psilidae) Silmýsætt (Limoniidae) Snípufluguætt (Rhagionidae) Spreklufluguætt (Pallopteridae) Svarmflugnaætt (Fanniidae) Sveifflugnaætt (Syrphidae) Þangfluguætt (Coelopidae)


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