المدة الزمنية 16:16

مهارات كتابة مقال عن السيرة الذاتية بالانجليزي باكسرين

بواسطة Galal Hasanin
524 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/08/31

مهارات كتابة مقال عن السيرة الذاتية بالانجليزي essay writing how to write an essay role model essay اكتب مقال عن مثلك الاعلى اكتب مقال عن شخص تعتبره قدوة ومثل يحتذى به مقال للثانوية العامة قائمة تشغيل البراجرافات والمقالات /playlist/PLkFV2SAjr7fgHGFtXRu2795Y0xFewkwsg موقعنا الرسمى https://www.quicklook4u.com/bawaba/ Gem 2020/2021 3 sec unit 1 /playlist/PLkFV2SAjr7fiTxZtoLSNvbfWdO9Wscy3f Gem 2020/2021 3 sec unit 2 /playlist/PLkFV2SAjr7fgpG6fyVmialVBnkJBnFzQZ قائمة تشغيل فيديوهات ثانيو عامة 2021 /playlist/PLkFV2SAjr7fi8-2hYGLkaSQgGwtr3gfsv قائمة تشغيل البراجرافات والمقال /playlist/PLkFV2SAjr7fgHGFtXRu2795Y0xFewkwsg The female character I admire and look upon as a model is Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman. She is one of the most famous people in Egyptian and Arab culture. She was born in 1913 into a respectable family. I admire Dr Aisha because she played a big role to help Arab women to get their rights in society. When she was young, Dr Aisha used to go with her father to meetings at which she learned to read and write. She went to school at the age of five because he her mother encouraged her to get a good education. At school, she proved to successful. She went to Cairo University, where she studied Arab Language and literature. She was awarded her degree in 1939 and then joined the university staff as a research assistant. In 1942, she was employed as a government inspector for the teaching of Arabic literature. Under the pen-name Bint El-Shatei, she wrote many books and articles in which she argued for a more positive role for women in the modern world. Dr. Aisha was a respected teacher and taught at many universities across the Arab world. She died at the of eighty-five and her work is still appreciated today. #جيم_ثانوية_عامة #شرح_انجليزى_3ث #كتابة_مقال_بالانجليزى شروحات منهج اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة


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