المدة الزمنية 7:49

3 أهم الصفات المستخدمة في اللغة الانجليزية باكسرين

580 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/03/13

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/english.with.samer84/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/learnenglishwithmrsamer/ Afraid of something خائف من شيء ما Scared مذعور *He was so scared of that horror film. *I am not afraid of facing anything in this jungle. Different مختلف Emotional عاطفي What he has just said is so emotional Ibrahim is much more different than his brothers. Suitable مناسب He is the most suitable one for this position. Moody متقلب المزاج/مزاجي My boss is really moody. He quickly changes his mind. Available متوفر All those items are available in one store. Don’t worry. Be able to يكون قادر على I will be able to speak English Fluently one day. Difficult صعب Easy سهل It is not difficult at all. On the opposite, it is so easy. Usefulمفيد Useless بدون فائدة What a useful advice! Clear واضح Obvious واضح Transparent شفاف Political سياسي The political situation in Palestine is terrible. Similar متشابه/نفس الشيء She`s been through a similar situation. Healthy صحي Unhealthy غير صحي Eating fruits and vegetables is healthy. Economic/ Economical اقتصادي The economical crises is so complicated. Jealous غيور Ruba is so jealous of her sister. Arrogant / Ego متعجرف/مغرور Trump is arrogant. He is such an ego. Greedy طماع He always looks for more money. He is greedy. Late متأخر Early مبكرا Don’t go late for any meeting!


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